Custom Loans
ORM Custom Loans
As a banker, ORM has the ability to design loan programs to meet each borrower individually. The following are a few custom loans available:
Interest Only
These loans are designed to give people more buying power because they allow borrowers to only pay the interest payment each month. Therefore, the principal is not being paid and the property continues to gain equity.
These loans are designed to give the borrower the ability to choose the length of time for their loan. In other words, when refinancing, the borrower doesn’t have to return to a longer term. Instead, borrowers can stay at their current term.
No Mortgage Insurance
These loans allow borrowers to lower their monthly payment if they were to take a higher rate without mortgage insurance.
203K FHA Renovation Loan
This program allows borrowers to borrow money for home
$100 Down Payment
This program is for HUD homes only.