Check List for Obtaining a Loan
Check List To Get Loan
All Borrowers
Copies of W-2s for the past two years
Copies of the two most recent consecutive pay stubs showing year-to-date earnings
Copies of checking and saving account statements for past three months (all pages)
Copies of quarterly or semi-annual statements for checking, savings, IRAs, CDs, money market funds, stocks, 401k, profit sharing, etc.
Copy of sales contract when ratified
Employment history for the previous two years (address any gaps of employment)
Residency history during the past two years, with name, phone number, address and account number of land or mortgage company; for rental property, copies of leases
Canceled earnest money check when it clears or corresponding bank statement, if applicable
Commissioned income – if 25% or more of base, must have tax returns
Check for the expense of appraisal and credit report
Refinance copy of note, deed of trust, settlement statement, survey and insurance information
Any assets used for down payment, closing costs and cash reserves must be documented by a paper trail
If paid off mortgage in the past two years, need copies of HUD1
Copy of driver’s license for applicant and co-applicant
Copies of your past two years’ tax returns
Copy of Social Security Card for each applicant and co-applicant.
Self-Employed Borrowers
Copies of your past two years’ tax returns (with all schedules, including K-I's if applicable)
Copy of current profit and loss statement and balance sheet
Copy of corporate/partnership tax returns for last two years if owning 25% or more of company plus copies of W-2s and/or 1099 forms.
Documents that may be required
Relocation agreement if move is financed by employer (i.e. buyout agreement plus documentation outlining company-paid closing costs benefits)
If you've had a previous bankruptcy, bring copies of petition for bankruptcy and discharge, including supporting schedules
Divorce decree (if applicable)
Documentation supporting monies received from Social Security/retirement trust income, i.e. copies of direct deposit bank statements, awards letter or evidence income will continue.
Documents needed for FHA/VA loans
FHA: Copy of Social Security Card and driver's license for each applicant and co-applicants
VA: Original certificate of eligibility and copy of DD214 discharge paper
VA: Name and address of nearest living relative.